A 10 week’s Journey of embodied consciousness mapping.

For 10 weeks we will dive deep into the exploration of our own Nervous System and research ways to use our bodies and ritual to access our subconscious and create brain change to alter our perception and relation to reality.
You can join this journey at different levels.
I know the marketing gurus say, you should not confuse humans with too many options, but since this is a Discordian project I embrace Confusion as part of the process. Also, I value the Intelligence of my audience and your autonomy of choice. So choose wisely!
As a Monk you take on the explorations mostly on your own in the comfort of your own “monastic cell”. You can share your findings and connect with others through the Discord server and the Q&A calls.
As a Master you get to geek out with others at our weekly Monastic Master Mind call and engage in some group exercises do deepen and integrate the results of your research.
As a Ritual Researcher, you get to join a group in Berlin to explore our Nervous System and subconscious programming together. We will be researching and experimenting with Antero Alli’s ParaTheater approach and creating Rituals Chaos Magick style.
As a Magickian you get intense 1:1 support through coaching so we can get into the nitty gritty of Meta-Programming to level up your system and craft new paths.
As a Hybrid Hopper you can join both the Ritual Research Group and the Monastic Master Mind.
You can also book additional 1:1 Coaching Sessions to your chosen ticket at any time.
You can also book the System Check. A deep dive interview to assess where you are at in each Circuit and get a primer of the map, before diving into this journey. This 2-3 hours call is included in the Magickians Package.
Not sure which of these tickets fits you? Book a chemistry call to figure out what’s your perfect fit!