Step into the Circle of Shadows, to dance the dance of life and death, to revel in the mystery that binds us all. We invite you to join us in an unprecedented journey – the Ritual: “Intimacy with Death.”
In the hush of the circle, we gather to touch the intangible, to sit with the concept of impermanence, and to hold our shared grief in the palm of our hands. We’ll honor our losses, giving voice to the silence, sowing seeds of acceptance in the fertile ground of our collective mourning.
Then, we plunge into a profound meditation, allowing ourselves to experience the tranquil surrender of natural death. As we breathe in and out, we let go of our attachments, our fears, and surrender to the universal rhythm of life and death. Here, we encounter our mortality, not with dread but with quiet acceptance, offering us the gift of living fully while we still have breath in our bodies.
And finally, we embrace Death not as an enemy, but as a dance partner in the eternal waltz of existence. We summon the spirit of the Mexican Day of the Dead, invoking a celebration of life in the very face of death, reminding us that every end is but a new beginning. We’ll revel in this joyful dance with Death, our footfalls echoing the transient beauty of life, our laughter defying the finality of our mortal fate.
Join us as we navigate the delicate line between life and death, celebrating the powerful wisdom born of our shared human experience. Step into the Circle of Shadows, and leave with an expanded heart, a lighter spirit, and a deeper understanding of your place in the grand tapestry of existence.
Pricing: €17,00 – €42,00