Support for unconventional humans to find the Balance to surf the Waves of Chaos

Are you going through a chaotic life transition and find yourself overwhelmed by the uncertainty of what’s next?

Do you feel the urge to take a deep dive to
reconnect with your core and reinvent yourself?

Are you looking for ways to
level up, tap into your magick, and craft an authentic path for yourself?

Know Thyself.
Take a bite out of the Golden Apple.
Reclaim your exis-dance!

Together we can find a way to harness the power of Chaos and Confusion as opportunities for personal (r)evolution through Transformational Coaching.

Let me take you on a deep dive journey of self exploration in group formats, self pased online adventure, 1:1 coaching journeys, or individualized ritual work.

Ways to work with me…

Are you questing for deeper self-knowledge and cognitive liberty or looking to reboot your system and reshape your reality experience?

This online group journey might be for you!

Join us for a 12 week online treasure hunt into the depths of your mind and beyond! Come aboard for a holistic Nervous System exploration along the 8 Circuits of Consciousness Map guided by the 8 Colored Compass of Chaos.

We set sail on March 24th!

Are you a psychonaut looking for ways to explore your mind without substances or a neuro-spicy edge-dweller trying to better understand how to navigate with your flavor of neuro-wiring?

Take a Side Quest to explore the functions of your Nervous System on 8 Dimensions of Consciousness! Enroll on a life-changing adventure with the Balanced Psychonautics Quest – your very own journey of consciousness exploration, brain change, and the 8 colored dimensions of Chaos Magick. You can move through this Quest at your own pace.

If you want to get familiar with this map, you can watch the free Base Camp introvideos to these Quests on my YouTube Channel/ here on site/ or in my Facebook Group (where you can interact with others) or check out the Hillaritas Press Podcast Interview.

Are you feeling lost and disconnected, you know it is time to look within and explore in the depths of yourself, but you are afraid of what you may find in the dark corridors of your mind? This coaching journey might be for you.

Reach out for a Compassionate Companion and allow the Cacao Medicine to take you to the Core of yourself. Enter the cave to your underworld on this transformational journey, Explore your self-sabotaging patterns, shine a compassionate light on your shadows, and reconnect with your Inner Child. Embrace yourself fully and confidently take your next steps towards personal Evolution.

I align my work with the core values of Liberation, Love, Playfulness, Balance, and Rapid Evolution.

We live in times of accelerated change and rising uncertainty.

This shifting territory can feel increasingly challenging to navigate as the current civilization configuration collapses under the weight of resource depletion, economic recession, climate change, increasing conflict, and greater systemic collapse.

States of Chaos open us up to the opportunity of radical systemic change and increase the possibility of shifting into higher states of functioning.

I believe that as a species we need to rapidly evolve to bring forth regenerative ways to relate to each other, the land, and our world so we can take up stewardship of this Mothership Earth and avoid the transformation of this beautiful playground Terra into a wasteland under technocratic control.

I choose to be in service of rapid evolution through Playful Liberation of Consciousness.

Find out more about me and how I can be of service to you. If you want to dive deeper into the map and the paradigms I play with, check out my chaosophy section. To read my newest musings check out my blog in the Vortex. To keep updated you can join my telegram channel or my mailing list.

If you want to get to know me in person, come to one of my events or jump on a call with me if you are curious to test our chemistry for working together.

Book a free 55-Min CHEMISTRY CALL

to see if I am the right companion for your journey.

Chemistry calls are free of charge and come with absolutely no obligation.