Ritual Research Reise
A 10 week's Journey of embodied consciousness mapping. For 10 weeks we will dive deep into the exploration of our own Nervous System and research ways to use our bodies […Show event]
Creative Chaos Cauldron
Chaos Magick Rituals 101 This workshop is an invitation for creative play with rituals chaos magick style. You can experience it as a pop up chaos magick temple. It is […Show event]
Embodied Ritual Explorations Welcome to ParaTheater - a technology of embodied ritual explorations that will take you on a journey into the depths of your being. Experimenting with the practice […Show event]
ParaTheater Lab
Embodied Ritual Explorations Embark on a Transformative Journey: The 5 Sessions ParaTheater Lab Welcome to the 5 Sessions ParaTheater Lab, a powerful and immersive experience inspired by Antero Alli's visionary […Show event]
Intimacy with Death – A Ritual Journey
Step into the Circle of Shadows, to dance the dance of life and death, to revel in the mystery that binds us all. We invite you to join us in […Show event]
Chaos Magick Rituals 101
This workshop is an invitation for creative play with rituals chaos magick style. You can experience it as a pop up chaos magick temple. It is an invitation to dive […Show event]
Creative Chaos Cauldron
This workshop is an invitation for creative play with rituals chaos magick style. You can experience it as a pop up chaos magick temple. It is an invitation to dive […Show event]
ParaTheater LAB
Embodied Ritual Explorations ParaTheater Sessions Come join us for an exploration of the deep end of yourself, a space for the archeology of the psyche, exploring the unconscious through embodied […Show event]
Creative Chaos Cauldron
This workshop is an invitation for creative play with rituals chaos magick style. You can experience it as a pop up chaos magick temple. It is an invitation to dive […Show event]
Creative Chaos Cauldron
This workshop is an invitation for creative play with rituals chaos magick style. You can experience it as a pop up chaos magick temple. It is an invitation to dive […Show event]
From Pleaser to Power
Unleashing the Zero Fucks Within "From Pleaser to Power: Unleashing the Zero Fucks Within" You're Invited to a transformative evening to anchor the art of not giving a fuck!! Ever […Show event]
ParaTheater Sessions Spring 2024
I work with 3 pricing segments, you can choose which one fits your financial flow: Monk: Navigating tight money flowMaster: On top of my financial flowMagickian: I create abundant money […Show event]
A Five-Day Deep-Dive in to Balanced Psychonautics Join us for a transformative journey through the 8 Circuits of Consciousness as we explore the elusive territories of the mind, guided by […Show event]
Intimacy with Death
A Ritual Journey in 3 Acts As the light fades and the nights get darker, as the playfulness of summer wanes, you might be feeling more of the grief you […Show event]
ParaTheater Sessions Fall 2024
I work with 3 pricing segments, you can choose which one fits your financial flow: Monk: Navigating tight money flowMaster: On top of my financial flowMagickian: I create abundant money […Show event]
Chaos Magick, Mind-Hacking & Cartographic Mischief Reality is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Quest Reality is breaking—do you have a map? You can feel it. The cracks in the simulation, the unraveling of the […Show event]